Saturday, November 28, 2009

Surviving and thriving.....

Well l did write a post yesterday but wasn't sure how you could link it to the same area where my other blog is. When l found out how to do it l had already written it but wasn't able to copy and paste it to over here. So it is now lost somewhere on the big web.

I wanted a blog where l could write whatever l am feeling or just need to vent without having to worry about family reading about it. Not wanting to cause problems or even bitch about events or people but l believe you need to get things off your chest and vent away at times. A lot healthier then bottling it all up and it then justs builds up so much so that you end up exploding.

It's either that or you just bore your friends with your woes and complaints, they soon do not want to hear your daily whinges/problems. I think they would love to lend an ear as the saying goes, afterall thats what friends are for, but l would not want to burden them with my dull daily problems. Not that l get them very often.

Went to church this morning, didn't want to be there. Well not that l wanted to be there, just felt like l was no in the right state of mind for being there. How can one walk into a church after whinging about a certain family memeber (s) with your husband in the car on the way to church, and then walk into church as if nothing is wrong. Not a very good start nor very Christian like.

Mr.N was on kids church today, and they had practice for the Christmas Concert coming up, so he got off easy as it meant no lesson to prepare. Was glad the kids were at kids church today, they were very testing at the start of church and l am sure they had ants in their pants as they just could not sit still nor be quiet. Well in Miss T's case anyhow.

Pastor L spoke today, and l really enjoyed it. The topic was " How to survive and thrive as a Christian". And talking about how we need spiritual food and water to survive as a christian in the world. Was great to listen to and l needed to hear it.

Life as a christian has its up and downs, and learning a lot more about sspending more time with God in prayer, and the word and this is where you are spiritually fed. And he related it to how we need food and drink to live, well as christians we need spiritual food to live as a christian, in order to grow.

Have been listening to Joyce Meyer over the last few weeks and have found her messages/teachings both inspiring and uplifting. I know l just need to make more time in order for me to grow.

Another thing, which has been bothering us all, and seems to just get harder and harder each year is trying to get everyone together for a Christmas meal with Mr.N's side of the family. Yet again another drama this year in people not listening to the dates we have listed as NOT being available and telling them 4 different times that we can't make those dates. Yet they still made them on those dates.

I won't go into it much in here, but it is very frustrating espcially to see Mr.N hurt by it all. Not sure if the meaning "families" have the same meaning these days or don't seem to hold the same importance in someones life.

Mr.N wrote a letter last week to them and was open and honest, and yet there has been no reply, no phone and no appology. So now what.... Its hard to know what to do and at times living in another state is very very appealing.

Anyhow thats my vent (very small and low key.... l could go on and on but don't want to go there).

At least l would rather focus my attention on growing spiritually and getting my spiritual food.

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