Friday, December 11, 2009

What a week it has been

I am so glad this week is over. The week certainly has been a challenge. Didn't help that Mr N had to work all weekend, and when he was at home he was either on the phone or walking around in a zombie state. That would do it having to work at 3am on a Saturday morning. He has not even had time to himself.

And don't they say when the 'cats away the mice will play'. Very true here. Both Miss T and Master N have been a challenge. So much so that l ended up in tears on Monday, and those that know me l never cry, and if l do l usually do it in the shower or in bed during the night where no one can see me.

It's a funny thing to do. I am not sure why l hide when l cry or not let anyone see me crying. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But to me if l cry l feel like l have lost control over myself. I like to be in control, not of everyone but just of myself.

Poor Mr N did not know what to say or do with me on the phone crying and ranting and raving. But Master N certainly knows how to push buttons.

Master N had his graduation ceremony on Monday night. Not that he is graduating till next year but they were all involved and were singing songs to the parents. It was very cute, they were singing the song 'Singing in the rain' which had actions and their was a chorus of giggles when they got to the bottom action.

I didn't really feel like going, espically after the horrid day l had with Master N. But then me sitting around and moping around the house was just not like me so off Master N and l went. Didn't help that Mr N was home late and we had literally 10mins to leave (he hadn't even had tea). So he stayed home with Miss T.

A week full of parties. We had the playgroup break up on Tuesday, l did let Master N go, seriously was thinking of cancelling it for him. But then was better to go out and let him let off some energy then have him climbing the walls and myself pulling my hair out.

And with Mr N working so much, he was off first thing in the morning and did not even get home till 9pm some evenings. Did get a bunch of flowers as a way of saying sorry.


  1. Oh hon, sounds like you had a horrid week! I hope that you are able to have a break over the weekend, and get some time to yourself.

  2. thanks certainly did have a lovely break over the weekend (even if we were busy) and am looking forward to a better week this week.
