Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bah humbug


It seems the gastro bug has reared its ugly head again. Poor Miss T was to get it again and this is the worst she has ever been with it. She has been sick since noon yesterday and is now finally sleeping.

Odd how we all had this excatley the same time last year, and Christmas was cancelled. I am hoping it is not a re-occurance again. Twice in a row is enough- maybe cancel Christmas all together.

Mr N is home today to look after Master N, he does not seem to be any worse and is full of energy and telling Mr N what he wants to do. Good to see some bonding time with the boys of the house.

So gives me a chance to focus my care of little Miss T and catch up on all the washing, and even catch up on some sleep if l get a chance.

So much for a great start to Christmas 2009.

I am having a bit of a self pity party.... its just not fair.... and did question God why these things happen.... not really my place to question God.

Reminds me that l am lucky to have my daughter and there are others out there worse off then us who won't be celebrating Christmas this year. When l heard of the news this morning about the little boy (6 years old) who was hit while playing in his fenced garden with his mother and two teenagers by a drunk driver. What a sad time of year for that family, and all b'c of some idiot who thought he could drink and drive.....

Makes you thankful for what you do have. Just think about it.

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