Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well its come to that time in my life that l need to de-clutter. Mostly in my life there are a lot of changes l need to make. I can't just expect God to do it all if l don't put any effort in trying myself.

I am now spending more time with him by reading the word and thru music (as l said in my last post) and l can see that is helping with the negatives in my life. But l also have been challenged to give some things up or set a limit on them.

So first l de-cluttered facebook and got rid of some people on there. Some who are never on there or whom we don't even communicate on there, and sorry to say some who are very negative in life. It's just not helping my life and my struggles.

I was doing really well the other day with my anxiety until l got onto facebook and saw a few people who have gastro/virus and there went my postive thoughts as soon as l saw it. So l hid their posts. Horrible it sounds but it the little things like that that are setting me off and then l just go downhill. I am sure those who have been there can understand what l am saying.

I am also trying to limit my time on the net and doing more with the kids and family. Yesterday afternoon we spent some time down on the Yarra River feeding the ducks and then playing in the park, then went to meet Mr N at the library and came home. Poor Miss T was worn out but we all had a ball and it meant my mind being busy on enjoying time with my children.

And now the kids are at kindy l am making the most of it and de-cluttering the house (well their rooms) have spent all morning in there. But looks great.

Now lunch is calling me.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Renee. I'll keep praying for you, and pray that you wont be troubled by others troubles, but feel empathy and prayer towards them in time.
    I do know what you mean though about how it isnt helping you atm.
