Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Life has been great since l last wrote. Yesterday was a great day, and yes l thought about my fears but they did not worry me one bit. It was more like why would l need to worry about things like that. There is more to life then worrying.

As l have said in previous posts l have been reading Joyce Meyer's book "Battlefield of the Mind" and it is a brillant read.I am up to Chapter 12, which is about An anxious and Worried Mind. Very appropiate for me at this time of my life. Phil 4:6 keeps coming to me where-ever l am and is a well known verse but one l need to put into practice. Maybe that is why l keep reading it or hearing it.

Doesn't God has a funny sense of humour. Its like they say that you need to hear things (when learning) 7 times before it is remembered. So l need to hear the same bible reading or message before l remember it or take it in. I read a verse and it will stand out to me and l will hear it a few times that week. Must be something of importance that God wants me to hear, so l take more note.

I also have been doing a little daily devoation that was sent out from Light Fm radio station and has a little reading each day with a bible verse. Each week has a topic and this week's is temptation. I have to say each week has been on a topic that l have just needed to hear in that time of my life.

I have had "Get up with God" which was about being joyful, trusting in God and yes Phil 4:6 did come into one day of it. Then we had "Why is God so trustworthy", "rewards of waiting on God", "spiritual battle" (very good for me at the moment) and l am now doing "temptation" (also another good one).

I really enjoyed reading about temptation and how it can take us away from God's Word, and it can become very additctive in our lives the more we are tempted.

Then reading Battlefield of the mind, has been good too and uplifting. Its amazing how when you spend time in the Word the more joy you have and the more you feel like you can face any battle that may come into your path.

So life is looking up and God is good.

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