Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today's Adventure

Well after yesterdays adventures, 2 dr trips but no, no-one was ill but the first trip the kids were off to get their swine flu/flu vax's and then l decided it would be a good idea for me to get the flu shot as well. So went back in the afternoon when they had a flu clinic. They now combine the swine flu and flu vax together.

Kids were very brave and didn't even cry and got a jelly bean and a glove for them to blow up and have as a balloon. They thought the glove idea was very funny. By later afternoon they had some side effects from the vax's. Master N was like a drunk, and could not walk straight and could not even keep his eyes open. He was so tired, so off to bed he went and was soon awake an hour later and feeling better.

Miss T was fine and had her silly hour and then yep fell asleep in the middle of her dinner. Mr N said she stated " Daddy l love cheese" and he answered her, he saw she was fast asleep.

Happy to report both are fine today and still up and running around and giggling now even tho it is past their bedtime.

Anyhow was supposed to be talking about today's adventures. I am a little sore today from the flu vax (well my arm is) and some mild flu symptoms but l still headed out on a mission to find Master N a birthday gift. He is not turning 5 till May but l am Miss Organised and also we are getting our puppy (SQUEAL ... no not the name of the dog but l am squealing as l am so excited about getting her).

Yes we are getting the puppy in a few weeks so we have to be organised with everything else first.

I think one of the biggest challenges is walking into a toy shop and trying to find a almost 5 year old a present. They want everything, but they are at that age where everything is not suitable for them. He is into spiderman and Transformers but no idea why as he has never seen them on tv or anything, but l suppose every young boy goes thru the "superhero" stage in their life.

So after wandering around i ended up getting the "Guess Who" game and "connect Four" game. I have seen him playing them at the ELC. Then saw the perfect "Transformer" hoodie in a shop that l knew he would love. So l am part way there in his gifts.

He is at the stage of loving to colour in and got a HUGE colouring in book, which is also a search and find so l know that will def be a hit. Next was thinking some special pencils (like derwents) for him as he is a BIG boy now. I still have my derwent set from when l was a kid. All 36 pencils or however how many is in there.

Winter pj's were also on sale so the kids got a few new pairs. I have a thing for pj's and love mine. I think they should make pj's a daily fashion. I would wear them all day, they are just so comfortable.

Sigh think l may even go and jump into my pj's now.

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