Sunday, January 31, 2010

8 years Today.

I can't beleive 8 years have flown by, and in a way l also look at as if to say " what only 8 years together. Feels like a lot longer then that.

Maybe its because we have achieved so much in the last 8 years.

Let's go back.....

We met at P and M's wedding. Their plan was to set us up in the bridal party. I thought you were a lovely guy but wasn't too keen at the time as l had another admirer (well 2) that l was trying to get thru to them l was just not interested. I was at the stage of my life where l had said to myself and to God that the next man l dated would be the one l married.

I was sick of being hurt and used and it was helping. So at that stage l would be friends with guys but no more till l had felt this was the "man" God had chosen for me. Compared to the other 2 admirers you stood out. You showed respect for my wishes and were patient and did not pester or push me. Nor were you moody. That all impressed me a lot.

We used to see each other every Monday, just as friends. We would go for a drive and grab a bite to eat. We used to talk and be very open with each other ( l miss those times now... gets harder when you have a family). I could tell you everything. You never judged me, you understood me and when you didn't you were patient to try and understand me. You supported me and that meant the world to me, l never forget the things l could not tell you in person, l wrote down in a letter. I could never imagine how ti would effect you, but loved your idea of being together and burning the letter. It was a symbol the past was the past and you and l were the future.

I remember the night l knew you were the man God had chosen for me to marry. You took the wrong turn, l knew you had taken the wrong turn, but did not care. For all the time with you was special. We were having fun singing in the car when God spoke to me. It frightened me a bit but also relief as l knew what sort of guy you were and felt blessed that God had chosen someone like you.

We started dating on the 13th October 2000, it was a Friday and some say Friday the 13th is bad luck. Just as well we do not believe in that rubbish.

You soon proposed 4months later on my birthday in Feb and we started to plan our wedding for Feb 2002.

Now we are in Feb 2010, 8 years later. The things we have achieved : (not in order)

* As well as planning our wedding we also had our house built which was finished just before we got married.

*We spent 3 weeks travelling in Tassie on our honeymoon. Wonderful time and a wonderful place... lets go back for our 10 years.

* Spent 6 weeks driving up to Darwin.

* Had our first child a boy.

* did an extension on our house.

* did all the hard work in doing the garden and grass on our block.

* Found a new hobby to enjoy together 4x4ing.

* Had our 2nd child a little girl.

* Took the kids to Queensland and spent 3 weeks camping.

* Took the kids to South Australia for 3 weeks.

* spent many wonderful trips 4x4 ing around Vic.

And thats all in 8 years. I wonder what we will do in the next 8 years as we enjoy our time together and as a family.

I love your romantic surprises, i love how your handy with your hands and make beautiful gifts, i love how you are understanding and patient. There are so many things l love about you and l could be here all day telling you.

I look forward to the next 8 years and then the next and the next and even the next.

Happy 8 years my love.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have been suffering this on and off lately just small things but it certainly makes my days long and can even over take the thoughts, and feelings l am having. Its hard esp when it has to do with the kids. I thought being a stay at home parent is the best years of your lives.... but lately l just wish they would hurry up and grow up and be able to take care of themselves to some extent.

The anxiety i have been getting is to do with their health. I have a fear of vomit, l hate it and can't deal with it. Ever since Christmas 2008 when we all had our gastro thats when it started or thats when l first really noticed it. But every time the kids are quiet or whingy l am thinking they are ill and may even be sick. Doesn't help now that miss T is somewhat car sick, but thankfully only on windy and dirt roads (together) doesn't make 4x4 ing much fun tho when l sit there and stress over it when it is not even worth stressing over it.

I am sure there are others out there who suffer from this and will understand what l mean and to how it can be so tiring and draining.

But l have hope. Beinga christian l know nothing is too big for God. Also in a way l think it can be a wake up call with God trying to get my attention and also (satan) dragging me down. I have a great friend/sister from church who has been helping me. She is such a postitve and warm person so full of energy that just talking to her helps (even if it is on FB) as l find one-one communication very hard when l am talking about myself (esp when so deep).

I also struggle with talking about myself as to me if l admit l am struggling then it is like saying l am not in control of myself and my life. I guess that is also why l am not one to cry in public even in front of Mr N. I just don't do it.

But l also know in doing this l am becoming a more sad (not depressed tho l have my moments), angry and agitated person esp witht he kids and other daily experiences such as driving a car. I don' t want to be that type of person. I want to be a person that others look at and think "shes such a happy person who loves life" I want what she has.

Sure l am like that to an extent but l think the other issues are clouding them over.

I got a book today by Joyce Meyer, l love to hear her messages and can relate to her. For those who do not know her she is a christian speaker/preacher (from the USA) and the way she connects to her audience is with humour and her own life stories makes you relate to her. Anyhow she has a book that l have been meaning to read called "Battlefield of the mind".

I know l also need to not spend so much time on/at places where my anxiety can grow such as the internet, FB, EB and other places like shows l should not watch etc... It doesn't help me.

But l am sick of being moody esp to my wonderful family. I used to be a person who loved life and loved God. Sure l still do but things that l need to step away from are over taking that good things. But l know with God all things are possible.

I have my faith to get me thru. I need to use it more and get to know it more.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Push the negatives out

This was my plan this year, l am slowly getting there. What l wanted in life this year was to stop thinking negative thoughts. Not everything is negative and not everything will turn out negative if you look for the positives in life. Its hard and its a challenge but l am getting there.

Hard when most of my life l have thought negative thoughts, from low self esteem to other. It does not help that l am shy and find it hard to make good friends. Sure l have a lot fo friends but not really any more Best/Close friends since l have been married. Not that l blame Mr N at all for any of this. I just think as life gets busier with family and married life there is not much time or energy left for friends or making new friends. Not just in my life but in others too.

Thats one reason for this blog, to vent or express myself when l feel the time needs it. I can't always lean on Mr N to talk to or reason with. He has enough to deal with and does not always need my random banter about nothing and everything.

Also l have the most influence on my 2 wonderful children and l need to set them a good example and not negative.

I am sure others out there understand what l am talking about, and may even feel the same way at times. Sure l am not always like this, but get this way a lot when l am down or upset by waht someone has said (yes l am very sensitive). All l want is for people to like and love me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Almost back to normal life... but its going to get busier

Mr N went back to work this week, and it had to be Monday the hottest day of the year so far for him to get public transport into work. We all know what Melbournes trains are like on a hot day, there are more cancelled then those running. But luckliy he got there and back ok.

Also Master N went back to the ELC on Monday and his first year in 4 year old kinder. He was so excited about going back. Miss T was a little confused as she ususally goes the same day as him and did not really understand that he now goes 2 days a week.

She had her turn on Thursday, as they both went Thursday. Thankfully it was a lot cooler that day and they were able to play outside at the ELC. They love being outdoors and able to run around and there is also a lot more exciting toys to play with and on that we don't have at home. I wouldn't mind going back to kinder... ah those were the days.

I have been out and about usually with my camera in tow and trying to get a photo a day for a challenge this month called "photo a day"... its been interesting and l have been happy with most of the shots l have taken.

Master N has been a challenge lately and testing... its take a lot out of you at the end of the day. He could go all day... He has had a lot of "time outs" not him himself as they don't work on him but we take away say his dessert or no treat at the shops or one we have found that really works is no Wii games.. He loves the Wii and loves playing. Glad we have found something that now works.

Well its Friday and l am worn out... been cleaning the house... well gave our room a good clean and went thru the chest of drawers and got rid of a lot of Mr N's clothes he no longers wear or are old and worn out. And then cleaned the ensuite, and slowly made my way down but l never seem to feel like l have achieved anything. Anyone else feel like that. Its hard to be in two places at once.. 1 keeping an eye on the kids and 2. trying to clean esp in another room from them.

Just means now tomorow morning l will continue and at least with Mr N at home he can keep an eye on the kids.

Well l think l am off to bed, my eyes are struggling to stay open, and l love to end the night in bed with a good book.....

Till next time.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

first post for 2010

Summer is def here, and we are in for a hot spell over the next few days. Nice to sit back and relax. Had a shocking end of the year, which meant missing out on Christmas again and had a quiet New Year all thanks to gastro. I came down with it a week after Miss T had it and was so sick for a week. Could not keep anything down, and ended up throwing up adn then sucking on an icy pole everytime l threw up. Hope not to see that evil illness again for a long time. I want to enjoy Christmas 2010. But here is to a New Year and a stay at home mothers ramblings.... Hope you will stay tuned to my rambles and please l would love some comments... don't feel so on my own when people comment.