Sunday, January 31, 2010

8 years Today.

I can't beleive 8 years have flown by, and in a way l also look at as if to say " what only 8 years together. Feels like a lot longer then that.

Maybe its because we have achieved so much in the last 8 years.

Let's go back.....

We met at P and M's wedding. Their plan was to set us up in the bridal party. I thought you were a lovely guy but wasn't too keen at the time as l had another admirer (well 2) that l was trying to get thru to them l was just not interested. I was at the stage of my life where l had said to myself and to God that the next man l dated would be the one l married.

I was sick of being hurt and used and it was helping. So at that stage l would be friends with guys but no more till l had felt this was the "man" God had chosen for me. Compared to the other 2 admirers you stood out. You showed respect for my wishes and were patient and did not pester or push me. Nor were you moody. That all impressed me a lot.

We used to see each other every Monday, just as friends. We would go for a drive and grab a bite to eat. We used to talk and be very open with each other ( l miss those times now... gets harder when you have a family). I could tell you everything. You never judged me, you understood me and when you didn't you were patient to try and understand me. You supported me and that meant the world to me, l never forget the things l could not tell you in person, l wrote down in a letter. I could never imagine how ti would effect you, but loved your idea of being together and burning the letter. It was a symbol the past was the past and you and l were the future.

I remember the night l knew you were the man God had chosen for me to marry. You took the wrong turn, l knew you had taken the wrong turn, but did not care. For all the time with you was special. We were having fun singing in the car when God spoke to me. It frightened me a bit but also relief as l knew what sort of guy you were and felt blessed that God had chosen someone like you.

We started dating on the 13th October 2000, it was a Friday and some say Friday the 13th is bad luck. Just as well we do not believe in that rubbish.

You soon proposed 4months later on my birthday in Feb and we started to plan our wedding for Feb 2002.

Now we are in Feb 2010, 8 years later. The things we have achieved : (not in order)

* As well as planning our wedding we also had our house built which was finished just before we got married.

*We spent 3 weeks travelling in Tassie on our honeymoon. Wonderful time and a wonderful place... lets go back for our 10 years.

* Spent 6 weeks driving up to Darwin.

* Had our first child a boy.

* did an extension on our house.

* did all the hard work in doing the garden and grass on our block.

* Found a new hobby to enjoy together 4x4ing.

* Had our 2nd child a little girl.

* Took the kids to Queensland and spent 3 weeks camping.

* Took the kids to South Australia for 3 weeks.

* spent many wonderful trips 4x4 ing around Vic.

And thats all in 8 years. I wonder what we will do in the next 8 years as we enjoy our time together and as a family.

I love your romantic surprises, i love how your handy with your hands and make beautiful gifts, i love how you are understanding and patient. There are so many things l love about you and l could be here all day telling you.

I look forward to the next 8 years and then the next and the next and even the next.

Happy 8 years my love.

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