Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have been suffering this on and off lately just small things but it certainly makes my days long and can even over take the thoughts, and feelings l am having. Its hard esp when it has to do with the kids. I thought being a stay at home parent is the best years of your lives.... but lately l just wish they would hurry up and grow up and be able to take care of themselves to some extent.

The anxiety i have been getting is to do with their health. I have a fear of vomit, l hate it and can't deal with it. Ever since Christmas 2008 when we all had our gastro thats when it started or thats when l first really noticed it. But every time the kids are quiet or whingy l am thinking they are ill and may even be sick. Doesn't help now that miss T is somewhat car sick, but thankfully only on windy and dirt roads (together) doesn't make 4x4 ing much fun tho when l sit there and stress over it when it is not even worth stressing over it.

I am sure there are others out there who suffer from this and will understand what l mean and to how it can be so tiring and draining.

But l have hope. Beinga christian l know nothing is too big for God. Also in a way l think it can be a wake up call with God trying to get my attention and also (satan) dragging me down. I have a great friend/sister from church who has been helping me. She is such a postitve and warm person so full of energy that just talking to her helps (even if it is on FB) as l find one-one communication very hard when l am talking about myself (esp when so deep).

I also struggle with talking about myself as to me if l admit l am struggling then it is like saying l am not in control of myself and my life. I guess that is also why l am not one to cry in public even in front of Mr N. I just don't do it.

But l also know in doing this l am becoming a more sad (not depressed tho l have my moments), angry and agitated person esp witht he kids and other daily experiences such as driving a car. I don' t want to be that type of person. I want to be a person that others look at and think "shes such a happy person who loves life" I want what she has.

Sure l am like that to an extent but l think the other issues are clouding them over.

I got a book today by Joyce Meyer, l love to hear her messages and can relate to her. For those who do not know her she is a christian speaker/preacher (from the USA) and the way she connects to her audience is with humour and her own life stories makes you relate to her. Anyhow she has a book that l have been meaning to read called "Battlefield of the mind".

I know l also need to not spend so much time on/at places where my anxiety can grow such as the internet, FB, EB and other places like shows l should not watch etc... It doesn't help me.

But l am sick of being moody esp to my wonderful family. I used to be a person who loved life and loved God. Sure l still do but things that l need to step away from are over taking that good things. But l know with God all things are possible.

I have my faith to get me thru. I need to use it more and get to know it more.


  1. Hey Renee, have really missed your posts in our forum, but am so glad that you are able to recognise things that might bring you down and avoid them. Sorry to hear that you are going through this rough patch, you will be in my prayers, Kate

  2. thanks Kate.... I am slowly getting there and in a way l think its a wake up call too. God telling me to spend more time with him.. which l have been doing and really enjoying....
