Friday, January 15, 2010

Almost back to normal life... but its going to get busier

Mr N went back to work this week, and it had to be Monday the hottest day of the year so far for him to get public transport into work. We all know what Melbournes trains are like on a hot day, there are more cancelled then those running. But luckliy he got there and back ok.

Also Master N went back to the ELC on Monday and his first year in 4 year old kinder. He was so excited about going back. Miss T was a little confused as she ususally goes the same day as him and did not really understand that he now goes 2 days a week.

She had her turn on Thursday, as they both went Thursday. Thankfully it was a lot cooler that day and they were able to play outside at the ELC. They love being outdoors and able to run around and there is also a lot more exciting toys to play with and on that we don't have at home. I wouldn't mind going back to kinder... ah those were the days.

I have been out and about usually with my camera in tow and trying to get a photo a day for a challenge this month called "photo a day"... its been interesting and l have been happy with most of the shots l have taken.

Master N has been a challenge lately and testing... its take a lot out of you at the end of the day. He could go all day... He has had a lot of "time outs" not him himself as they don't work on him but we take away say his dessert or no treat at the shops or one we have found that really works is no Wii games.. He loves the Wii and loves playing. Glad we have found something that now works.

Well its Friday and l am worn out... been cleaning the house... well gave our room a good clean and went thru the chest of drawers and got rid of a lot of Mr N's clothes he no longers wear or are old and worn out. And then cleaned the ensuite, and slowly made my way down but l never seem to feel like l have achieved anything. Anyone else feel like that. Its hard to be in two places at once.. 1 keeping an eye on the kids and 2. trying to clean esp in another room from them.

Just means now tomorow morning l will continue and at least with Mr N at home he can keep an eye on the kids.

Well l think l am off to bed, my eyes are struggling to stay open, and l love to end the night in bed with a good book.....

Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. A blog award has been passed back to you, for keeping me entertained with your blog. :)
